Presented by Chelsbra 💋

Using what was taught as shameful… to heal & finally accept all of you whilst beaming in the afterglow

How to dramatically LOVE yourself & enJOY doing it so you stop wasting your time on boring affirmations or endless mindset prompts that don’t stick.

Learn my feminine framework to unlock love & power in any relationship so you no longer feel obligated or too tired for sex because you actually want it.

I’m just going to say it, you can’t give or receive love if you don’t actually love yourself.. You see I used to hate flowers but now I’m a slut for them. I gift myself them any chance I get. This has been a huge leap for me because receiving gifts & compliments from anyone used to make me cringe. I used to reject & c*ckblock myself from affections & ultimately love any chance I got. I used to be so committed to doing things all by myself & staying guarded around caring people. I would feel contracted when love & joy was directed at me because it felt tacky & off. I believed that feeling cared for just wasn’t for me… Now I know all that was is; I didn’t feel safe being penetrated by love.

Loving & allowing love is a skill & chances are if you’re like me, loving yourself was not taught or displayed to you growing up. I’ve tried it all… So from what I found that actually works, I’ve created X-tra Ordinary Self Love. XO Self-Love will guide you through my foundational femme framework that has expanded lovemaking, pleasure & joy for me & all my clients.

…then babe, X-tra Ordinary Self Love is made for you.

“Chelsy has the incredible
ability to give you the tools
you need to reflect inward and
is one of the most comforting
presences I know. While
working with her, even in my
most vulnerable state, I’ve felt
such an intense radiating
sense of safety and love. After
one session, I felt so much
clarity, and even more-so with
the homework she invited me
to try.

Allison Z.

e x p a n d with XO Self Love

Love note from Chels

Hey babe,

You’re probably confused & unsure of where to go with your sex & intimacy struggles & I get it.. I had to figure this out all on my own too since my teens. Now I’m 34, I’ve studied at world credited sexuality institutions, highly sought after mentors & devoured all the real life experience. Now I can say in integrity that sex, love, relationships + business feel so good! It wasn’t because it was handed to me either. I was once homeless, a highschool dropout, in abusive relationships, & even a single mom. Struggle, pain & self loathing was my go to. I learned, through the sexuality practices I want to teach you how to love myself & how to have healthy loving pleasure-FULL relationships too.

Are you ready to enJoy being you? Start here


How long is it?

4 weeks total, but this is all self paced from the comfort of your own home.

When is it available ?

You will have access immediately, but if you purchase before September 1st you will have access that day!

Where will I have access?

This is completely online. You will be provided login information shortly after your purchase.