You’re not living the life you know you deserve. 

Right now, things are just okay. Your relationships are surviving, your health isn’t bad, your career is…well, it pays the bills.

But it’s not enough. This isn’t how you pictured your life. You want more and you know you are destined for more than this. 

Well let me tell you, you’re right. You don’t have to settle for feeling this way. 

I bet you’ve tried to change things. The fact that you’re here means you’re already a step in the right direction and I’m proud of you for that. 

So many people just settle. They continue to live a mediocre life, believing that it’s just their destiny. That they don’t deserve any more. They think it’s easier to keep doing the same thing every day, going through the motions of life without really living. Thinking that love doesn’t exist, and that soul merging intimacy can’t be real…
But you, my friend, have the power to change all that.

You have the power to live your dream life, and awaken to legendary that love that’s wild, wet and divine 🕊

I know you have the power to live to your full potential because it is inside all of us. But many people get stuck in a repetitive pattern and don’t seek the change they need. 

You are here, so you are on the right path. 

If you dream of:

  • Reducing your stress and anxiety.
  • Feeling more alive, positive, and aware.
  • Understanding how your past can positively impact your future.
  • Improving your relationships and connections with others.
  • Feeling more in tune with your surroundings.

You can achieve all of this and more, and I’m going to help you get there.

Use Your Body to Fuel Your Future

If you had a difficult past, you might be aware of how it’s affecting your present. You might be thinking that because of it, there’s no hope for you. 

Maybe you lean on it to excuse yourself for your behaviors or decisions. You tell yourself that because of your past, you’re doing the best you can with your present, but you can’t possibly reach the future you truly desire. 

You couldn’t be more wrong. 

Your past doesn’t have to be a burden. It doesn’t have to be the reason you’re struggling, it can be the fire that lights your future. 

Our past can bury itself in our subconscious and our bodies can hold all of those suppressed feelings.

We need to own our past, learn from it, and use it as a trigger for change.

We can use it to fuel our future & allow the body to lead us there. 

I know this because it’s exactly what I did…

So let’s radically TURN ON your life

Hi, I’m Chels

Relationship Coach, Somatic Healer & Sexologist

I’ve been exactly where you are now. I was feeling stale, stagnant, and sick of the mundane life I was leading. 

I was born into poverty and as a runaway at the age of sixteen, I had to overcome homelessness, domestic abuse, the influence and manipulation of addicts, and the struggle of being a single mom. 

But I refused to become a product of my upbringing and environment. 

I watched the popular movie “The Secret” and became determined to turn my life around. 

I became aware of how reactive I was in my relationships, and I knew that I was miserable in corporate life. 

Thankfully I found the amazing benefits of meditation and the work on my inner self took off from there. 

I began to follow the breadcrumbs that the universe was leaving me and thankfully it brought me to where I am today. 

Now, it’s my turn to help you.

Give yourSelf permission to dream

Happy Client Brags.

First of all let me say, Chelsy, thank you. I often think back on our first session together. It was the night I felt and looked different. It was like a light had been switched on for me. My heart automatically opened up. I was able to shut my mind off from the distractions and madness that I had been experiencing. My mind was so calm and I haven’t felt like that in such a long time. During our session I was completely stress-free and my anxiety was reduced. Her voice was so calming and I felt super comfortable talking to her. She was exactly what I needed. The session made me feel more alive, positive, aware, and connected to my surroundings. I feel like I can’t say enough good things about it. I most definitely loved it and I am greatly aware of myself. Thank you Chelsy for the amazing experience you are a rockstar!!!! – Dianna A

Dianna A

Working with Chels was magical. Her intuition was able to bring me to places within myself that I was unable to see. When we had journeyed to those places together she guided me into a much needed release. The mixture of her wisdom and appreciation for nurturing what is innately within us is a magical combination from which anyone would benefit. 🤍 – Elizabeth W. PhD.

Who Needs a Relationship Coach & Somatic Sexologist?

If you are searching for a life with more purpose, I’m here to help. 

You may have tried other things to put yourself on a better path, but those things haven’t worked and you have realized that if you’re going to make true and lasting life changes, you’re going to need a little help. 

Unfortunately, we live in a world where we are taught to cope by ourselves. We are told to “get on with it”, as though asking for help is a sign of weakness. 

But this is so far from the truth. 

If you feel like you need help to make positive changes in your life, and you found me because you were searching for answers…

…you are amazing…

…because you understand the power of self-improvement and you acknowledge that nobody can go it alone. 

We are social beings for a reason. We work better together.

I love to work with people who are open to change and personal growth.

If you:

  • Want to reach your true potential
  • Believe you have a higher purpose
  • Are seeking change in your relationship

Then I am here and I’m ready to help you.

As a Life Coach and Somatic Sexologist, I have many ways to help you. My ability to foster change in people like you comes from my dynamic background. 

As I mentioned before, I have lived through a lot and have come out of the other side much happier and now feel I am living my life to the fullest. 

I have a background in software development.

My deep understanding of computer programs and algorithms has given me the ability to solve complex problems in our psyche that go unnoticed by most.. 

I have been on a journey, learning the power of healing my past through Esoteric teaching and Dakini training.

I learned the value of decoding my sleeping state through my dreams.

I discovered how to delve into the Soul by illuminating my erotic nature.

It all sounds complicated, I know.

But believe me, it works, and I can guide you through all of this.

Using all of these techniques, we can hack your subconscious mind to breathe life back into you. We will make you feel more fulfilled and discover the path to your dream life. 
No longer will you just be going through the motions of your existence, you will once again feel alive.

I have many ways of helping my clients. 

The first step is to have an initial free consultation where we can learn more about each other and you can ask any questions you may have. 

Let me show you the way

I offer 1:1 coaching courses and sessions. During these, we work closely together to discover what is holding you back from achieving the life you deserve. We use the techniques I mentioned above to delve deep into your inner self. 

We find exactly what’s happening in your subconscious mind and body so that we can release you from your past and discover the endless possibilities of your future.

Break free from the way you are feeling right now. 

You deserve to live your best life, and I would love to help you to get there. 

I can’t wait to start our journey together.

With love,

-Chels xo

~ & Instagram is where we play ~

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